Hi All!
I know it's a little late for a post such as this one but I feel it's really important for me to post this, even if it's just to let my readers know a little more about me. For me the
Christmas seasons begins in August/September for me! Some people love the bands
they listen to, the TV shows they watch, the books they read and fandoms they
belong to... I LOVE CHRISTMAS! In fairness I do love the TV shows, books,
movies and music I listen to, watch and read but Christmas is my thing. My
friends must think I'm crazy but I can't help it, I love everything about it, I
love the atmosphere when you're out shopping when the Christmas songs are
playing and people are moaning that its the 1,000th time they've heard that
song that day, I love seeing people buying presents for their families, I love
that when you wake up on a morning you see your breath and yes, even as a 18
and 8 month year old I do love pretending I'm a dragon. Childish I know but
hey! That's me. There is SO much I love about Christmas like the songs which I
am listening to as I write this post (Cliff Richard's 'Saviour's Day' to be
precise), the decorated shopping centres, excited children talking about Santa
as their exhausted parents drag them around more and more shops looking for the
exact presents they've asked for, I love everything about it. One of my
favourite things about Christmas is that my family has several Christmas
traditions running from my birthday, which is mid December, to New Years day;
on Christmas eve I always get up very early because I will always have trouble
sleeping on Christmas Eve night no matter how old I am, I make sure I look
presentable for all of the family visits (nice hair, Christmas jumper on even
if it is hideous, make-up perfectly applied and such),I'll drop in the last few
Christmas cards that need be, me and my Nana will run around the house trying
to make it immaculate while my Mam and Dad go out for last minute food shopping
or present shopping, sometimes my Uncle and Aunty will visit our house with
huge bags of presents for us all and sometimes we go to their house, then we
visit my older Uncle who we see only once or twice a year if we're lucky and
usually we get home from family visiting at 4:30-5:00PM when I sit downstairs
as my Grandad might visit friends, Mam and Dad will be wrapping presents and
trying not to let me see, I love that part. At this point Me and my Nana and my
Mam have a break from whatever we're doing and usually I will have a Snowball
with a Cherry, Mam and Nana have a Bailey's in their hand, we'll watch some TV
before we get back to putting things away and oogling at the enormous tree
situated in the living room next to the front window which tends to get set up
around November 5th. Then we will all relax for the night and get ready for the
next day. That is my favourite part of Christmas, not the presents, not the
shopping or anything material based. I get extremely overwhelmed at the love I
harbour in my heart for my family, it reminds me how grateful I am to have my
family, to have a home, food and warmth and most importantly that I am loved by
my family too. Christmas is my favourite time of year for so many reasons,
love, family the atmosphere, the snow OH THE SNOW! What a wonderful part of
Christmas that is (no sixth form at least once), the lights on the trees in the
houses as I walk home from wherever I've been, hot chocolates with cream and
cinnamon, when me and my best friend get together and tease one another about
how we will never tell what we've bought when we exchange our gifts. So you can
see that Christmas means a lot to me. I hope it means something to you too
because it truly is a magical time of year!
Love Katherine. X
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