Friday, 9 January 2015

My Fitness Wishlist!

Hey Everybody!
I'm going to start this post by quickly apologising for no posts yesterday, that was purely because I've been so ill with this stupid flu thing that's going around at the moment but I'm feeling minutely better today so I'm taking advantage and writing up todays post. 
Today's post was initially going to be Fashion Friday January look book type affair but I simply can not be bothered to do my makeup, get out of my comfy, fluffy PJs and take photos of myself; instead I'm going back to my NYE resolutions and doing a Fitness Wishlist. I got to thinking today that I've not had the energy to keep up with any of my resolutions because of being so ill but I'm determined that as soon as I'm better I'll be getting stuck into those resolutions, one of which was to boost my fitness level. 
Right, lets get down to it.
Obviously, for getting fit I'm going to need a good pair of trainers, so far all I own shoe wise is 6/7 pairs of converse, Ugg ankle boots, a new pair of heeled boots I got today and a battered pair of Nike running shoes. I absolutely LOVE these shoes from Sports Direct, they're the USA Pro Tone Gym II Ladies Trainers in black and pink. I only usually work out in black clothes because I walk a lot so I get muddy sometimes and these trainers would go really well with my outfits. There are also some good reviews of these shoes, they're supposed to be really comfortable and are on sale at the minute for only £18, a bargain not to be missed when NRP is £49.99.

I'm aiming to build my upper body strength this year also but because I'm not a fan of the gym, in fact I loathe those places, I tend to enjoy exercise much more when I'm alone or in a secluded environment. So the next thing I'd like is the Bodymax 12KG Vinyl Dumbbell Set from PowerHouse Fitness. These dumbbells are a good price of £28.99 and they're around the perfect weight for a beginner like myself, plus the colours make them more appealing. 
I'm really into Yoga because it helps me relax and really manages to stretch out and tone every muscle, it's a really good way to push yourself to your limits without overstepping any breaking points. You definitely feel the results of yoga the next day though ha. That's why I'd love this Pro Fitness Yoga and Pilates Set from Argos, it has everything in it for a through yoga session at home or in a group environment. It includes a gym ball, yoga mat, two pilates bands and two dumbbells, this is a fab set although slightly overpriced at £24.99.
Also it's really important to stay hydrated when you're exercising, particularly in my case because I tend to dehydrate a bit easier than most so I've got to take a drink wherever I go nowadays so it would be wise for me to invest in a water bottle. I like the Slazenger water bottle in back from sports direct, it's only £1.50 so it's worth it in my opinion. 

Finally on my list I would love some new Yoga pants and a workout hoodie, I'll probably buy these from Yours Clothing or something, to be honest I've spent loads of money on clothes from ASOS, Yours, Simply Be and Debenhams that I'll hopefully be blogging about when i'm feeling better next week. But anyway because of that shopping spree I'm looking for some nice cheap bargains to grab for exercising now and the pants and hoodie are included there. I don't have pictures for those because I don't know what type I'd like yet but hopefully I'll find some soon. 
Thanks for reading all. 

Love Katherine. X

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