Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Health Problems and Indefinite Break

Hey Everybody,
It's been a pretty long time since I last posted anything and I think it's time for a bit of a catch up and some unfortunate news... I've had a few health problems lately, last Saturday I ended up being admitted to hospital after an emergency urgent care and A&E visit. Basically this week has consisted of a lot of pain and I'm feeling very drained and poorly. This post is basically to let all my fabulous readers know that I've not been slacking on the blog because of laziness or anything as I've genuinely missed blogging but to say because I'm so poorly at the moment I'll be taking an indefinite break from blogging because I don't know when I going to get better (fingers crossed it won't be long). 
I'm sorry to say I'll be taking a break and I am hoping I get well enough soon so that I can get back to blogging as most of you know how much I love it, the time off should also give me some opportunities to plan some new posts for you lot which should be fun. 
Thanks to everyone who reads my blog and has supported me in my blogging journey so far.
Speak soon!

Love Katherine. X

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Back to College and Catch Up!

Afternoon lovely people,
it's been a fab two weeks off despite the ups and downs but honestly I've thoroughly enjoyed myself. I've not blogged for a while purely because I've spent quite a lot of time out of the house this week with friends, having BBQs, shopping, and such other fun things. overall it's been a rather busy holidays and I had planned to spend them just chilling out, reading, doing some cross stitch and knitting (19 going on 90 here!) but I've really enjoyed what I've ended up doing. 
I hope everybody else has had a great easter break too filled with chocolate and lazing about. With the two weeks off I've managed to get a couple of blog post ideas drafted which will definitely be posted over the next few weeks but most importantly after nearly 2 whole years I've finally managed to book a singing and piano lesson with my favourite music teacher!! I am so so so excited about this because I've been waiting to do it for ages and now i actually have an income I have a lesson for Friday at 5, music is one of my biggest passions and I adore singing and piano as well as clarinet so hopefully within a few lessons I'll have my mojo back and be playing Beethoven's 'Moonlight' Sonata soon enough. 
Anyway, because it's back to college tomorrow *insert sarcastic comment* I thought I'd do a quick post before I have to go an get all of my things together for the morrow, so far I have a to do list that goes onto back and front of a sheet A4 paper, oh the joys. I'm also going to spend some time researching jobs I might want in the future because I seem to be flip flopping and I'm gonna need my personal statement started soon so hopefully that'll help. Anywho, I shan't bore you lot anymore I just want to wish everyone a happy easter and a good start back to the last term in college/sixth form or wherever you are!!

Love Katherine. X

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Happy Easter!

Good Afternoon everyone!
Happy Easter to everybody out there and I hope your day is going well and you've got lots and lots of chocolate eggs to open!
This is basically just a very quick post because it's been on my mind in the run up to easter; I myself and a religions person, I attend a Catholic church and I'm hoping to have my fist communion later this year, I've always loved holidays like Easter, Christmas, giving up things for lent, but I feel like the meanings behind these holidays are being lost. Obviously I'm aware that there are non-religious people who celebrate these holidays too, we live in a pretty secularised society and culture nowadays but even some self proclaimed "seriously literalist" catholics, protestants, methodists etc. that I know of seem to get more concerned with the capitalist and commercialist aspects of these holidays rather than taking a moment to remember why we celebrate any holiday we have in the first place. I mean, I'm not suggesting people stop what they're doing and think of Jesus, no not at all, I'm just saying that for some people it's important to remember the foundations of the holiday, back to basics and such and if that's what you or anyone else wishes to do that's your choice... anyway I'm getting right off topic now so I shall end this post there, I hope every single person's Easter Sunday is wonderful and enjoy all the eggs that were given... I know I will be!

Love Katherine. X