Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Health Problems and Indefinite Break

Hey Everybody,
It's been a pretty long time since I last posted anything and I think it's time for a bit of a catch up and some unfortunate news... I've had a few health problems lately, last Saturday I ended up being admitted to hospital after an emergency urgent care and A&E visit. Basically this week has consisted of a lot of pain and I'm feeling very drained and poorly. This post is basically to let all my fabulous readers know that I've not been slacking on the blog because of laziness or anything as I've genuinely missed blogging but to say because I'm so poorly at the moment I'll be taking an indefinite break from blogging because I don't know when I going to get better (fingers crossed it won't be long). 
I'm sorry to say I'll be taking a break and I am hoping I get well enough soon so that I can get back to blogging as most of you know how much I love it, the time off should also give me some opportunities to plan some new posts for you lot which should be fun. 
Thanks to everyone who reads my blog and has supported me in my blogging journey so far.
Speak soon!

Love Katherine. X

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