Thursday, 24 August 2017

Long Awaited Return!

Hello lovelies!

Wow, it's been well over two years since my last post and SO SO SO much has happened and I can't wait to tell everybody!
First thing's first, I'm very sorry for the long break, my health deteriorated massively for a good while, it's far from being back to normal now but I've recently been slapped by motivation to get back to blogging.
I'll give you all an update about my life in general right now then get on to something more personal and important to me if that's alright! 

Well in 2015 just after I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst I actually met a guy and we have been dating for 2 and a half years, his name is Simon we are now living together with my grandmother and although it is quite difficult and sometimes cramped we are very very happy. He's honestly the most amazing man I've ever met and looks after me better than I could've expected. On December 14th last year, which happens to be my birthday Simon got down on one knee and proposed, since then we have been very happily engaged for almost a year and are hoping to tie the knot around either the end of 2018 or 2019 depending on finances, although admittedly I have already bought my wedding dress, oh I wish I could show everybody it but it shall have to stay hidden until the big day. 

In September 2016 I started university on a social work degree at University of Sunderland, I was absolutely miserable for two months on the course and got very little support partly because I wasn't able to stand up for myself and tell the lecturers what I needed, however one day after discussing whether or not I should drop out or do social work part time Simon pushed me into the office of the programme leader of Sociology. I absolutely adore sociology and Simon knew I would be happier there, it was a struggle but after a while the leader decided I could change courses and managed to get caught up within a couple of weeks and since then I've been overjoyed studying a subject I adore, I finished this year with 6/12 assignments being first class and the rest very solid 2:1 grades. 
Other than that there have been many ups and downs, me and Simon have both lost friends, gained new ones, had many many new experiences both together and separately, we have tried to move out, been screwed over by our local council, lost that house and moved back in with family but all of it has been a good experience for really growing up and maturing. I've been learning to cook, learning to love myself, learning to go out and be unapologetically confident in who I am, I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture show LIVE (OMG WOW!!!!), I've done things I never thought I would in my entire life, and it's been a hell of a time!
We have attended appointments and the Centre for Life to find out about our fertility as a couple, I've learned a lot more about myself and about my medical conditions which has been very enlightening. 

So, with that update out of the way there's something very important I need to move on to if I may. When I was only a little sprout, about 5 or 6 I was diagnosed with a disease known as Pro-opiomelanocirtin Deficiency Disorder (POMC), which is a very serious and extremely rare condition that causes severe early onset obesity, my dad also has this condition and it affects us both very differently, I don't want to say too much about it as I will get to that soon.  Recently I've been learning a lot more about my condition that affects pretty much every single aspect of my life, I've been looking for treatments, trials and support for people with this and similar conditions, I've connected with some lovely people who have taught me quite a lot in a very short amount of time and one thing I have realised about this condition is that there is not, anywhere near enough information or awareness about this disease for the general public, schools or even in GPs surgeries. Thus, I'm making a major shift in the kind of blog this will be, I am going to be posting a lot more about this condition, my journey and others' journey living with this, I will hopefully be able to contact others and find out about how they live with it. I want to document everyday life of somebody who has POMC, how it affects them, what kind of support there is available. Should I be lucky enough to trial a drug that's being tested to manage it now I want to document the process of taking it honestly, without any faffing or fussing. People need to know the truth of such a condition as it is very serious, life-threatening and difficult to live with as I have found out first hand. I would appreciate it if these posts can be shared as the purpose of this blog now is to raise awareness of POMC even if it is just in a small way, every little helps after all. 
However, do not despair as I am fully planning on keeping the lifestyle aspect of the blog running and I have many more ideas for advice posts, support, general discussions and so on but the posts may be less frequent than before as university is going to get more heavy workloads particularly in years 2 and 3. Please bear with me if posts aren't coming as thick and fast as liked. 
Thanks for reading and I hope you all come back to read more!

P.S. I want to thank everybody who, in the two years that I was gone, continued to read and comment on and share my blog posts, you're wonderful people and you're the reason I came back to this blog instead of beginning a new one! I hope you're all having wonderful lives yourselves!!

Katy. xo